Testing with Blog app
This is a test to see what happens when I use the blog app Edited with BlogPad Pro
HP Test
First, let’s establish my Potter bonafides. Some of you may remember between one and two decades ago (yes that’s how old the Potter series is!), as they released each book, there would be a long line of kids at book stores on the Friday nights when the books were being Read more…
Harry Potter Test
First, let’s establish my Potter bonafides. Some of you may remember between one and two decades ago (yes that’s how old the Potter series is!), as they released each book, there would be a long line of kids at book stores on the Friday nights when the books were being Read more…
Welcome to seriff.com
Well, Carolyn and I are back in New York for the next month so our reviews and ramblings about the things we see and do are ready to start again. At the suggestion of a number of friends, we’re getting a little more organized this year and switching from Facebook Read more…